Who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl?

Super Bowl LVII is set and will take place on Sunday, February 12 between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs.

RADPAC wants to know who you think is going to win the big game — and we’re offering a gift card to one lucky person who gets it right!All you need to do is make a $57 contribution (in honor of Super Bowl LVII) to RADPAC and let us know who you think is going to take home the Lombardi Trophy. Those who pick the correct winner will be entered into a raffle to win a $100 gift card to Amazon or the NFL Shop.The last day to enter the contest is Saturday, February 11

Please email Haley Brown with any questions.

Thank you!

Please include your ACR Membership ID on your contribution page.

If there is any issue with your ACR Membership ID please contact Haley Brown at hbrown@acra.org
